Holistic and quality independent Family Reports and Social Assessments for families


Scope Consultancy aims at providing holistic and quality independent Family Reports and Social Assessments for families involved in either the Family Court, Federal Circuit Court of Australia or the child protection jurisdiction.

Based on the Gold Coast we can provide services throughout Queensland and interstate. Our assessments have been highly regarded and recommended by barristers and lawyers and we have been highly recommended and appreciated by the families we work with.

All reports provide a clear transparent assessment of the issues of concern, an analysis of the child’s needs, and recommendations required by the family and services working with the family to ensure the children receive positive outcomes.

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Consulting Services

  • Family Reports
  • Social Assessments
  • Kinship Initial and Renewal Assessments
  • Foster care assessments
  • In-Home Reunification Services
  • Parenting & Risk Evaluation Packages
  • Parenting Education

I have known Denise for many years. I consider her work to be thorough and accurate and often difficult to fault. Her grasp of child protection matters in particular is second to none, having gained an enormous amount of experience in that domain. Her reports in the Family Court jurisdiction are also of a very high standard and I commend her to you.

Robin Slade Jones Barrister and Nationally Accredited Mediator

I have on many occasions briefed Ms Giles with Terms of Reference requesting her to undertake either family reports or social assessment reports.

Ms Giles is totally professional in her approach to the reports. On many occasions judicial officers have commented on the professionalism and quality of the reports which have assisted the Court ultimately arrive at a decision that is in the best interest of the children, and in such a way that results in many matters being resolved without the necessity of a hearing.

Barbara Fox Independent Children’s Lawyer/Separate Representative